All About Water Filtration

Water filtration reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, and even radiological.

Along with biological contaminants, there are a variety of chemicals that are carried by water. Water carries acidity, sediments, lead, iron, sodium, pesticides, or sometimes even radiation. H2O's chemical qualities, which helped enable life to form in the first place, also enable it to carry unneeded elements into everyday drinking water. 

The Safe Water Drinking Act (1974) enforces health standards for the United States, and requires public notifications of potential contaminants. Find the ones for your zip code here. Billions of dollars are spent creating America's safe water. Despite the amount of resources spent on delivering acceptable water some states and municipalities fall short. 

How Much Water do You Need?

The rule of thumb is to collect and store one gallon of water per person per day.

Water Filter Resources

Berkey Filtration Test Results

Check out the specifications and performance outcomes.

Does Berkey Remove Minerals?

Learn more about beneficial minerals in your water.

Do Berkey Filters Change Your pH Level

Depending on your water, Berkey may change the pH level